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Jumping on the Fight for Human Rights with BeLA

Sometime Late 2018, a powerful young woman who had been nursing a dream bigger than your average change maker walked into our doors and not even we had any idea how much magic we were going to experience together. Her team was looking for professionals who would accompany them on their journey to making their dream a reality - to help them create an Sustainable Organisation out of their dream to Transform Lives.

BeLA is an association which works to Promote and Protect Human Rights, especially the rights of women and Youth, using Education, Capacity Development and Sports to Rescue, Transform and Empower People to build better and safer communities.

Within the few weeks that ensued, we worked with them to identify how best to establish themselves as an organiation, we worked to create a suitable Name, Brand Information and Policy guides that will enable them startup and grow.

We worked on a couple of Project Concept Notes which they would implement to hit the ground running and we created a powerful Internet Presence through which they would build a following and share their Impact.

We have continued to advise BeLA as they grow and we continue to find more solutions to help them on their journey to exponential Impact.

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